Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Looooooong Overdue, But Here's Somethin' New!

Well, some odds, sods, and such to give you all some eye candy to enjoy! Been so busy on multiple fronts I could scream!

So enough with the kvetchin'! Here's some fun stuff, starting with some late 1970s vintage "large 25mm scale" sci-fi miniatures, the first purpose-made figures for the classic Garrison Miniatures Traveller sci-fi RPG. The first figures are "Full Battle Dress" powered armor troopers armed with the infamous Fusion Gun, Man Portable 15 (aka, FGMP-15). 

Next, we have a 1970s vintage Archive Miniatures sci-fi figures from the Star Rovers line facing off against the only alien figure done by Garrison as part of the Traveller line...

Some battle robots from the Garrison Traveller line armed with a VRF Gauss Rifle IIRC my Traveller firearms lore...

And now for something completely different! Inspired by Sebastian Klapdor's excellent work that brought the classic fantasy skirmish system Bladestorm! into the 21st century, I've been painting up and/or refurbishing old figures for Bladestorm! skirmish action. In no particular order, I present you with a mix of RAFM Miniatures, Reaper Miniatures both metal and Bones plastic, Ral Partha, and Menhir Games fantasy figures for your consideration...

Amazon battle sisters face the dreaded Frog Demon! Reaper Bones Frog Demon, Reaper Amazon hero in foreground, old Ral Partha '80s vintage Amazon in background.

Having slain the foul demon, the sisters-in-arms find themselves up against the dreaded Oooftah the Swamp Troll King! Reaper Bones troll, a real bargain monster for the cost, and a pleasure to paint the great, howling brute...

Bugbears! I love me some Bugbears ever since I played AD&D in high school back in the 1970s! Big, mangy, mean, and strong, just the thing to keep those unruly lesser goblinoid minions in line so the evil wizard can concentrate on important matters like summoning a demon or counting his gold...

That Reaper Bones Frog Demon again. Just too cute 'n cuddly, this 'un! I based the paint scheme on a Red-Eyed Tree Frog...

Uh, oh! The Frog Demon and Oooftah the Troll are having a spat over whose turf is it anyway?! Everybody better take cover...

Classic RAFM Miniatures minotaur. Still available from those most Canadian folks up at RAFM, and even now this 80s-vintage piece still has some presence and old school menace worthy of a brutal guardian of a wizard's lair...

A closer look at Oooftah the Troll. He really is one big, bad brute of a troll even by troll standards...

Oooftah squares off against a party of adventurers! A Menhir Games dwarf and elf assist a lone Amazon against this scaly, nasty, vulgar, uncouth menace...

A closeup of Oooftah and the Amazon...

And Oooftah again with another Amazon. The Ral Partha figure had an excellent detail feature, a black widow spider motif on the shield that was a real pleasure to paint...

And Oooftah again, this time going head-on with a Menhir Games Lizardman Champion...

Finally, in the spirit of Recycling With A Vengeance, I present you with a pair of anti-grav battle tanks done in the classic Warhammer 40,000 Rogue Trader manner, as Predator tank proxies the way we old timers got things done before there were all of those fancy specialty model kits you young spratlings take for granted these days! 

So. I started with am empty plastic sliced cheese container...

Added a turret made from an empty plastic Apple headphone case made redundant by the fact that those @#$@%@%!!! Apple Smartphone earbud sets always break down after a couple of months of normal use...

Assorted plastic rhinestones, some plastic beads, assorted Lego bits from a garage sale....

Some more rhinestones, some more Legos, some specialty injection moulded plastic gatling gun barrels from HobbyLink Japan ( Add a coat of acrylic craft paints... 

Some classic 1st edition Warhammer 40,000 Rogue Trader decals from the original Rhino APC model kit of the 1980s, plus others from my spares box...

And there were enough identical parts for two of 'em, too! So waste not, want not...

Some weathering...

And another of the old Garrison Traveller figures for scale (more pix of those to come later!)...

So that concludes this long overdue eye candy update! More to follow as I get back into the swing of things in the coming weeks and months, as yes, I have a cunning plan... Mwahahahahahaaaaaa!!! Ta! 


  1. Nice to have you back, been too long since your last random building craziness!

    1. Indeed, it is good to be back, and I hope to have more pix up soon... :)

  2. Yeah! Your back!!! I was thinking the worst there for a while. Thought you might have travelled to the other side. Happy to be disappointed :)

    Tank is Boss! Your very good at making these kitbashed vehicles, especially with the rhinestone additions etcetera.

    Welcome back man :)

    1. The Other Side had a preview of me back in '03, and I think that has left a very bad taste in the Other Side's maw, not to put too fine a point on the matter... Mwahahaahaaaa!!! >;D

      Glad ya like the tanks! They're looking for a new home in fact via EBay, just in case your appreciation is approaching the realm of "We waaaanntttssss itt, Preeeeeecious!!" >;)

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you, oh, kind Deranged Person Who Deliberately Jumps Into Raging Fires... >;D

  4. Diggin' the RAFM Minotaur. Don't think I ever got that one, but I can well imagine him swinging that great big axe. players would be most unhappy to meet him.

    1. Ya know, dat ever so bullish beastie is still available direct from RAFM:

      Yup. Outta scare the stuffin' out of your players... >;)
