Friday, December 3, 2021

It's Been Too Damn Long...

... so time to restart things here...

So let's start with a small drumfire barrage of various and sundry pics of some of my more recent Warhammer 40,000 *Rogue Trader* kitbashes I've built since my last post waaaay too long ago...

And more to come.....


  1. Fabulous stuff! The classic deodorant tank!

    What is the base piece (green plastic) for the 4-legged robo-tank in the final photo?

    1. Thanks! And that is actually a six legged Hexxbug toy I salvaged and gave a new lease on life to as a proxy Imperial Sentinel. I'll post a series of photos of that project and the other HExxbugs I modded to the same purpose failry soon.

  2. Love the five colour camo with orange. Totally gets my seal of approval. Not that you need my seal of approval. After all, it might end up lowering property values!? ;-)

    1. LOL!! Hey, that's *my* line about the property values I'll have you know! >;)

      And that's the fun part of sci-fi; you can get creative as a WW1 French Army camoufleur when it comes to color choices and patterns. In fact, that sort of camo spec is cribbed directly from WW1 French tank camouflage schemes found on French tanks during the conflict.

      Glad you like 'em, and I'll take your approval as if it came from our friendly neighborhood Inquisitor, OK? >;)

  3. Awesome creative goodness with a proper Rogue Trader trash bash inspiration!

    It's great to see you back!

    1. Thanks! Yes, it was past time for me to get back on the horse...

  4. Loads of great work there, very inspiring.

  5. Glad to see you back! Some awesome great work! Nice catchy name "Flypaper".

    1. Thanks! And that name was actually the name of a WW1 British heavy tank. The British Army during the two World Wars had a custom of naming their tanks in each company, with the names all having the same first letter in the company CO's last name. So Flypaper was one of a unit of tanks that IIRC included "Fantan" and (maybe...?) "Fray Bentos"(which was a popular brand of canned meat back during that time period).

  6. Kill yourself.

  7. Excellent, imaginative conversions, and cheap too! What's not to like?

    Regards, Chris.

  8. I love the variety and detail in your Rogue Trader kitbashes.
